Our Teachers

Halifax Team

Cara Hazelton, MScKin

Owner and Principal Teacher

Cara Hazelton has been doing Pilates for more than 15 years, opening the Fredericton location of Precision Pilates in 2007. She has been a teacher trainer since 2014. Cara has more than 20,000 hours of hands-on teaching experience to guide you and your body to your goals, whatever they may be. Her experience is met with her spunky personality to make your Pilates session as much fun as it is work. Cara has learned from many of the greatest Pilates teachers in the world. In addition to her original training with Clare Dunphy in Boston (A second generation teacher) she has attended more than ten Authentic Pilates Conferences in the last 7 years. Cara’s Pilates expertise is met equally by her education in the field of human movement. Cara earned her Master of Science in Kinesiology (MScKIN) at the University of New Brunswick where she focused her studies on the epidemiology of back pain. She hopes to work with government and private organizations to help reduce pressure on the current medical system by advocating for better use of allied health professionals and exercise programs


Allison had been teaching Classical Pilates since 2019. She has been passionate about the method, travelling to take lessons from some of the best instructors to further her own understanding of the work. She strives to meet people where they are at and works to create an inclusive experience that also challenges her students.


Hi! I’m Ghalia, and I’m a university student studying Economics at Dalhousie. I was born in Halifax, but spent my whole life in the Middle East. Now I am back in Nova Scotia and excited to help grow the Pilates community. I started the Comprehensive Teacher Training Program with Authentic Pilates Canada in 2022 and am so excited to share what I have learned by teaching at Precision Pilates!  I can’t wait to meet you.


Hi! My name is Katie. I’m a junior high Phys Ed Teacher, and I love Pilates. I completed my Mat Plus teacher training with Authentic Pilates Canada in 2022 and am now studying my Comprehensive Pilates teacher training with them. Join me for a challenging and playful workout!


Fredericton: (506) 440-8680

Halifax: (902)-220-4091

Precision Pilates ©Copyright 2024


Fredericton: (506) 440-8680

Halifax: (902)-220-4091

Precision Pilates ©Copyright 2024